Ovarian cysts are fluid filled sacs inside the ovary. When the follicles (sacs) in the ovaries do not rupture, they form small cysts called simple cysts. Dermoid cysts & chocholate cysts are other types of cysts. Large or pathological cysts can occur in about 5% of women during their reproductive years. Ovarian cysts are common, frequently asymptomatic and often resolve spontaneously.
Signs & Symptoms
- Often asymptomatic.
- Mild menstrual irregularity & vague pelvic pain.
- Low abdominal swelling.
- Pain if torsion, rupture or haemorrhage occurs.
- Amenorrhoea, obesity & hirsuitism may be presenting symptom.
- Occasional, dysparunia may be the presenting symptom.
- Ultrasound Pelvis
- CA 125
- Tumour markers – to detect ovarian tumors.
- CE A
Minimal Access Surgeries for Ovarian Cysts
- Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy
Laparoscopic ovarian cyst excision is the procedure done to treat simple ovarian cysts. It is a safe procedure with laparoscopy & dosen’t need more than a day’s stay in the hospital, which is an advantage for young girls. - Laparoscopy Ovarian Drilling
This is done in case of polycystic ovaries wherin the multiple cysts on the surface of the ovary are drilled. - Oopherectomy
The removal of the ovary along with the pathological cyst. This is done when the cyst is big & involves whole of the ovary.