
    Nephrology department runs special clinics for the proper diagnosis and treatment of various kidney diseases like acute renal failure, chronic renal failure, glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, rapidly progressive kidney failure and other diseases related to kidney diseases like hypertension, diabetes, hyperuriceimia, renal stone disease, prostate and varios congenital anamolies. Well equipped lab and radiology deparrtment and procedures like renal biopsy help us diagnose thes conditions appropriatly. Combination of urology and nephrology and renal transplant unit provides a common platform to offer patients various treatment modalities like various surgeries for obstructive uropathy, congenital anamolies, prostate etc. to improve their renal failure. Patients recieves all forms of treatment under one roof like haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and transplant. Comprehensive assessment for transplant and dialysis is done. Our Renal Clinical Investigation Unit is led by Specialist Practitioners who provide a wide range of tests, monitoring, treatment, and offer education and advice for all types of kidney disorders and associated conditions.

    Haemodialysis is provided on our dedicated dialysis units. We have a very well equipped haemodialysis unit with a dedicated staff and technicians always ready to look after the patients medically and emotionally.

    Peritoneal dialysis:
    Peritoneal dialysis is also provided at peritoneal dialysis unit.

    Acute Renal Failure Service:
    We provide acute renal failure service working closely with all of our critical care teams based at Aastha kidney hospital. We also work closely with clinical colleagues in other hospital departments, contributing to the renal care of their patients.

    Intensive Care Unit (ICU):
    Well equipped intensive care unit with critical care team is committed to continuously improving patient care.

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